The Pied Piper of Hamelin story

Pied Piper Short Story: A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the can and bit the babies. At last, the people came to the Town Hall and said the Mayor to do something. But the Mayor didn’t know what to do.

Complete the story about “the pied piper of Hamelin and rats”

Pied Piper and The Rat Story

Funny story about promises: A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the can and bit the babies. At last, the people came to the Town Hall and said the Mayor to do something. But the Mayor didn’t know what to do.

At that moment a piper came there and said, “People call me pied piper. If you pay me a thousand guilders, I will rid your town of rats.” “All right, I will pay you sum,” said the Mayor. Then the pied piper went to the street, drew out a pipe from his pocket and began to play on a pipe. Soon the rats came out tumbling from every house in Hamelin. There were thousands of rats that followed him.

He went down to the bank of the river Weser and waded into the river. And every single rat, which followed him, was drowned. But the Mayor refused to pay the contracted amount of money. At this, the pied piper got angry and played on his pipe in another tune. Hearing the strange tune the children came out and followed him. The piper disappeared behind a hill with all the children and did never come back.

See also  Ant and Dove Story in English

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Once there was a small beautiful town in Germany. People lived happily there but suddenly the town was faced with a great problem, it became full of rats. The rats were very big and fierce, they fought the dogs, kill the cats, bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up everything thing they could. The people became very helpless. One day they went to the town hall and told the Mayor about their sufferings. The Mayor called up a meeting of his councilor. They talked about different plans but could not find any way to kill the rats. Just then a stranger enters the room with a pipe in his hand. He told the Mayor that he would get rid of all the rats if the Mayor agreed to pay him ten thousand guilders. The Mayor agreed to the proposal. The pied piper walked out in the street, pulled out of his flute and started playing it. Soon the rats of every house of Hamelin came out tumbling. He moved along the streets and the rat follwed him. He went down to the bank of the river Waser and waded into the river. All the rats that followed him drowned the river. The pied piper came to the Mayor and demanded the promised money. But the Mayor wanted to give him only five hundred guilders. This annoyed the piper. He left the Mayor office and stood in the street. He took up his pipe and began to play a different tune. But on hearing the tune, the children of the town came out running. As the Piper walked along the streets, they followed him singing .and dancing. The Piper was walking towards the mountain.


As they came near the mountain, a door opened. The Piper and the children walked into the mountain and the door closed. Only one boy could not follow them because he was lame. The people saw all this and stood helpless. They realised that it was all their fault. But it was too late.

Moral lesson of pied piper story is “Promise should be kept