The Wolf And The Crane Story

Complete the story about Wolf and Crane: Once upon a time there lived a wolf in a jungle near a marsh. Many cranes and other birds passed their days in the marsh. One day, while the wolf was eating meat, a piece of bone was stuck in his throat. It was a great danger for the wolf. He felt so painful that he could not speak. He went to many birds and animals for help but none helped him to remove the bone from his throat. Actually, all the animals and birds and animals of the jungle did not love the wolf for his rude behavior

An Ungrateful Wolf and a Deceived Crane for SSC

The Wolf And The Crane Story: Once there lived a wolf in a deep forest. It was very ferocious. He always did harm to other animals. So, all the animals in the forest were scared of him. But they did not dare protest against it.

They were quite helpless. One day he saw a young lamb grazing at the foot of a small hill. He wanted to make a good meal of the flesh of the lamb. He fell upon the lamb and started devouring its flesh.

Suddenly, a bone got stuck in his throat. He sought help from the animals he saw around him. But no one came to help him. Then he saw a crane with long beak fishing by the river side. He went near him and requested him to bring out the bone from his throat with his beak. He also promised to give him a delicious meal in return.

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The crane believed him and brought out the bone from his throat. Then the crane demanded a delicious meal but the wolf said that he could easily swallow him when he entered his beak into his throat. He added that he had shown him sympathy. The crane became afraid of his life and at once flew away.

The Wolf And The Crane Story for HSC

Completing Story on The Wolf And The Crane: Once upon a time, there lived a wolf in a jungle near a marsh. Many cranes and other birds passed their days in the marsh. One day, while the wolf was eating meat, a piece of bone was stuck in his throat. It was a great danger for the wolf. He felt so painful that he could not speak.

He went to many birds and animals for help but none helped him to remove the bone from his throat. Actually, all the animals and birds and animals of the jungle did not love the wolf for his rude behavior.

At last, the wolf went to a crane staying in the marsh. He requested the crane to remove the bone from his throat. The crane agreed but demanded that the wolf would not disturb the weak birds and animals of the marsh in the jungle. The wolf promised to fulfill the demand. Then the crane pulled the bone out the wolf’s throat by his long beak.

The wolf was relieved from his severe pain. The wolf was about to leave the place. The crane said to him, “Please don’t break your promise.” The wolf replied, “Ha! ha! ha! You’re lucky that I did not eat up you when you pushed your dirty beak into my throat.” The crane uttered, “Black will take no other hue.

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