Floods in Bangladesh Composition and Paragraph

Floods in BD: Floods means an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.

Long And Short Paragraph On Flood In English

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Floods in Bangadesh Paragraph in 100 words

Floods in BD: Floods means an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits. Floods are caused by water bodies and also on land. When there are heavy or continuing rains water bodies get more water than they can hold. The water level then rises in the water body and overflows its banks. Such flooding of water bodies also causes the flooding of land beyond the water body. Land may itself also get flooded if there is very heavy rainfall. Continuous rain on otherwise dry land can inundate the land. Floods also get caused in cities where the drainage system is poor. When there are heavy rains such cities get flooded.

Floods in Bangladesh Paragraph: Flood is a natural disaster. It occurs due to the overflow of river water. Bangladesh is a low land with many rivers. She also lies in the monsoon region. So flood visits our country almost every year because of excessive rains. Flood causes for many reasons. Excessive rainfall is the main reasons of flood in our country. Sometimes it rains for several days endlessly.

Water overflows the banks of the river and a vast area of land go under water. As a result, it causes a flood. Flood is also caused by tidal bore from the sea. Sometimes, massive water from the Himalayas rolls down to the rivers and causes flood.


Floods Paragraph India: Floods occur in water bodies and also on otherwise dry land when there is an excessive accumulation of water. When water bodies receive excess water that flows beyond their banks there is a flooding of the water body, and of the land which it thereby inundated.

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Various activities of men have caused ecological destruction that has also been responsible for the occurrence of floods. For example, when trees are cut and forests are cleared there is increased soil erosion. This is because soil binds the soil, and the cutting of trees results in the topsoil getting washed away in rains. Soil erosion leads to silting of rivers and lakes. When there are heavy rains these water bodies get flooded.

Floods are also caused in modern-day urban areas marked by increased use of land for buildings. These concrete jungles are usually made possible by felling trees to make space available for urban development. Besides, with a high density of population, the drains in these cities get clogged due to large quantities of domestic garbage including plastic that is non-biodegradable. Therefore, when there are heavy and continuous rains there is poor drainage of the rainwater that leads to flooding.

Floods in Bangladesh Composition

Floods in Bangladesh Composition: Flood is a natural disaster. It occurs due to the overflow of river water. Bangladesh is a low land with many rivers. She also lies in the monsoon region. So flood visits our country almost every year because of excessive rains.

Flood causes for many reasons. Excessive rainfall is the main reasons of flood in our country. Sometimes it rains for several days endlessly. Water overflows the banks of the river and a vast area of land go under water. As a result it causes flood. Flood is also caused by tidal bore from the sea. Sometimes, massive water from the Himalayas rolls down to the rivers and causes flood.

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Flood causes a heavy damage to our life and properties. A large part of our country goes under water.

It submerges the corn fields, uproots the trees, and washes away our houses, cattle’s and sheep. Thousands of people become homeless or shelterless. They take shelter on the roof of the buildings, on trees and on boats. Roads and railways are damaged. The communication system is hampered greatly. People suffer from scarcity of pure water. Thousands of people die.

The after effect of floods is more serious. Famine breaks out. Many people die for want of food and pure water. The price of daily necessaries goes up. Many fatal diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form because of drinking dirty water.

Floods do a little good to man. It washes away the waste and filth. It carries silt which makes our land fertile to grow good crops.

During and after the flood the relief work should go on. The miseries of the affected people increase. In this time the government and some other voluntary organisations come forward to help the flood affected people. Some careful steps should be taken to control floods. A good drainage system should be introduced. A large number of sluices and outlets should be made for the easy passing of rain water.

Composition on Floods

Composition on Floods: Floods are caused due to the accumulation of huge amounts of water.

Floods are the Result of an Accumulation of Large Volumes of Water

The excessive accumulation of water in water bodies may cause the water to cross the banks and overflow. There is a flooding of the water body, and consequently an inundation of the otherwise dry land onto which the water overflows. Such a flood occurs when there is incessant and heavy rainfall. Floods are also witnessed on land, which is dry under normal conditions, when there are continued and torrential rains. Although heavy rains are common during the monsoons they may occur at other times too. With global warming and the consequent climate change, unseasonal rains and floods are being witnessed at different places. Besides, floods also occur in places that generally do not have them.

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Floods are also experienced in urban areas where rain water fails to drain off and cause flooding. A high density of population in these areas along with excessive development of roads and buildings results in poor drainage system, thus causing floods.

Floods also occur due to silting of rivers and lakes. This happens because of soil erosion caused by tree felling and deforestation. Trees are felled in cities and towns inhabited by humans, and in forest areas too with a view to clear land for alternative uses.

Floods Destroy Life and Property

Floods cause loss to life and property. Both humans as also animals and birds are vulnerable to get washed away in a flood. Fishermen are likely to get affected by floods, as their life and livelihood depend on fishing. When flood waters enter into homes it makes them unliveable.

Floods are a Disaster and Need to Be Managed

Floods are natural disasters, though the root cause may be man-made. With better weather forecasting systems in place it is possible to predict a flood. This can help in warning people to move away from coasts and river banks or to not venture into the water bodies.

When a place is under a flood there is need to manage the disaster by evacuating the people, and providing them relief. After a flood too, there is a need for rehabilitating the people and for reconstruction of damaged property.

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